Unit 1 – Long answer type Important
Question of data structure
Q1: Describe
data structure. Describe about its need and types. Why do we need a data Type?
Q2: Discuss some
basic terminology used and elementary data organization
in data structure.
Q3: Define data
types and what are the built-in data types in C? Explain.
Q4: Define
algorithm. Explain the criteria an algorithm must satisfy. Also, give its characteristic.
Q5: How
efficiency of an algorithm can be checked? Explain the different ways of analyzing algorithm.
Q6: Define
complexity and its types.
Q7: What do you
mean by complexity of an algorithm? Compute the
worst-case complexity for the following C code:
int s = 0, i , j, n;
for(j=0; j<(3*n); j++)
for(i=0; i<n ;
s =s+i;
Q8: How do you
find the complexity of an algorithm? What is the relation between the time and pace complexities of an algorithm?
Justify your answer with examples.
Q9: What is
asymptotic notation? Explain different types of asymptotic notations.
Q10: Explain
time space trade-off in brief with suitable examples.
What do you understand by time space
trade-off? Explain best, worst and
average case analysis in this respect with an example.
Q11: What do you mean by Abstract Data Types?
Q12: Define
array. How arrays can be deleted?
Write a program in C to perform
different operation on array.
Q13: What is row
major and column major order? Explain with examples.
Q14: Explain the
formulae for address calculation for 3-D array with
Q15: Consider
the linear arrays AAA {5: 50}, BBB {-5: 10} and CCC {1: 8}.
a. finds the number of elements in
each array.
b. Suppose base (AAA)= 300 and w= 4
words per memory cell for AAA. Find the
address of AAA {15}, AAA {35} and AAA
Q16: Suppose
multidimensional arrays P and Q are declared as P {-2: 2, 2: 22} and Q {1:8,
-5: 5, -10: 5} stored in column major order.
i. Find the length of each dimension of P and Q.
ii. The number of elements in P and Q.
iii. Assuming base address(Q) = 400,
W=4, Find the effective indices E1,
E2, E3 and address of the element Q {3,3,3}.
Q17: Write a
short note on application of arrays.
Q18: What is
sparse matrix? Explain. Write a short note on representation
of sparse matrices.
Explain the upper triangular and lower
triangular sparse matrices. Suggest a
sparse efficient representation for sparse matrices.
Q19: Define the
term linked list. Write a C program to implement singly linked list for the following function using array:
i. inserts in beginning and insert at
ii. delete in beginning and delete
from end.
iii. insert and delete after an
iv. display in reverse order.
Q20: Write a C
program to perform various operation on singly linked
Write a C program to perform various
operation on Doubly linked list.
Q21: Write the
advantages and disadvantages of singly linked list.
Q22: Write an
algorithm that reverses order of all the elements in a singly linked list.
Q23: Write down
the difference between array and linked list.
Q24: What is
doubly linked list? Write C program to create doubly linked list.
Q25: Write a C
program to show the implementation of Doubly linked
Q26: Write
algorithm of following operation for doubly linked list:
i. Traversal
ii. Insertion at beginning.
iii. Delete node at specific location
iv. Deletion from end
Q27: Write a program in C to delete a specific element in
single linked list. Double linked list
takes more space them singly linked list
for sorting one extra address. Under what condition
could a doubly linked more beneficial
than single linked list.
Q28: What is
meant by circular linked list? Write a C program to implement the circular linked list.
Q29: Write a C
program to implement circular linked list for the following functions:
i. Deleting of an element.
ii. Insertion at specified position.
iii. Deletion at end.
iv. Traverse the entire list.
Q30: Write an
algorithm to insert a node at the end in a circular linked list.
Q31: write a C
program to traversal operation on a doubly linked list.
Q32: Explain the
method to represent the polynomial equation using linked list.
Q33: Explain the
method to represent the polynomial equation using linked list. Write and
explain method to add two polynomial equations using linked list.
Q34: Write and
Explain method to multiply polynomial equation using
linked list.
Q35: What is
doubly linked list? What is its application?Explain
how an element can be deleted from doubly linked list using a C program.
Q36: Define the
following terms in brief.
i. Time complexity.
ii. Space complexity.
iii. Asymptotic Notation.
iv. Big O Notation.
Q37: What are
merits and demerits of array? Given two arrays of integers in ascending order, develop an algorithm to merge these arrays to form a third array sorted
in ascending order.
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