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Unit 1 Most Frequently Asked Questions of Data Structure


Unit 1 Most Frequently Asked
Questions of Data Structure

Q1: What is
Sparse matrix? Explain the application of sparse matrix.    

Q2:  How can you represent a sparse matrix in memory?

Q3:  Define complexity.

Q4: What is
space and time complexity of an algorithm?


 Define complexity. What is space and time
complexity of an algorithm?

Q5: What are the
various asymptotic notations? Explain the Big   Oh

Q6: How do you
find the complexity of an algorithm? What is the relation between the time and pace complexities of an algorithm?
Justify your answer with examples.

Q7: What are
asymptotic notations? Explain different types of      asymptotic notations.

Q8: Explain time
space trade-off in brief with suitable examples.


What do you understand by time space
trade-off? Explain    best, worst and
average case analysis in this respect with an       example.

Q9: Define the
term linked list. Write a C program to implement singly linked list for the following function using array:

          i. inserts in beginning and insert at

          ii. delete in beginning and delete
from end.

          iii. insert and delete after an

          iv. display in reverse order.

Q10: Write a C
program to perform various operation on singly    linked


          Write a C program to perform various
operation on Doubly linked list.

Q11: Write the
advantages and disadvantages of singly linked list.         And, write an algorithm that reverses order of all the
elements          in a singly linked list.

Q12: What is an array?
Write the merits and demerits of array.

Q13: Give
difference between array and linked list.

Q14: What is
meant by circular linked list? Write a C program to implement the circular linked list.

Q15: Write a C
program to implement circular linked list for the   following functions:

          i. Deleting of an element.

ii. Insertion at specified position.

          iii. Deletion at end.

          iv. Traverse the entire list.

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