Unit 4 Long Answer Question of PPS | Most Important Question of PPS with Answer
Q1 What is an array? Explain about various operations of an array?
Q2 Write a program to multiply two matrices and number of element of element of matrices from the keyboard?
Q3 Write a program in C to find the total number of words in a given sentence?
Q4 Write a program in C for construction of two matrices A(5X5) and B(5X5) of real numbers?
Q5 Write a function in C that returns the maximum and minimum element of given matrix of size 4 X 4. Illustrate its use in a program?
Q6 Write a program in C that accepts a text from keyboard and display that text after removing all the blank space and total number of characters excluding blanks in the text?
Q7 Write difference between structure and array? Write a program in C to find the largest element of a 3 X 3 matrix?
Q8 Define a structure? Write a program in C to create a database of fifty students to store personal details such as roll number, name and marks? Print all the details of students whose name is entered by the user?
Q9 Define structure with syntax? Also write a program that compares two given dates. To store data use structure say date that contain three members namely date, month and year. if the date are equal then display message as “Equal” otherwise “Unequal”.
Q10 Define Union? Write a program in C to find the record of a student having maximum marks from the list of 10 record. Each record has Roll number, Name, Class and Marks fields sentence?
Q11 Create a union for storing the information about various department in a university? List all the department having more than 20 Faculties?
Q12 Differentiate structure and union in C? Write a C program to store the student details using union?
Q13 What are enumerated data type? Write a C program to display month in the year using enum?
Q14 What is difference between Linear Search and Binary Search?
Q15 Write a C program to sort set of integers in ascending order by using bubble sort technique?
Q16 Write a program in C to sort list of 10 integers in an ascending order?
Q17 Write a program to sort an array of integers in ascending order using bubble sort?