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Unit 3 Long Answer Important Questions of Data Structure

Unit 3 Long Answer Important Questions of Data Structure

Q1: What do you
mean by searching ? Explain?

Q2: Write a
short note on sequential search and index sequential search?

Q3: Write down
algorithm for linear/sequential search technique? Give its analysis?

Q4: Write down
the algorithm of binary search technique. Write  down the complexity of algorithm?

Q5: What is
difference between sequential search and binary search technique ?

Q6: What do you
mean by Hashing ? Discuss types of hash functions?

Q7: What is
collision ? Discuss collision resolution techniques?


          Write a short note on hashing

Q8: What do you
mean by Hashing and Collision ? Discuss the advantages
and disadvantages of hashing over other searching

Q9: Write a
short note on garbage collections?

Q10: Write the
conditions when collision occurs in hashing? Describe
any collision detection algorithm in brief?

Q11: Write a
short note on insertion sort?

Q12: Write a
short note on selection sort?

Q13: Discuss
bubble sort?

Q14: Explain and
give quick sort algorithm? Determine its 

Q15: Write a
recursive quick sort algorithm?

Q16: What is
quick sort ? How the choice of pivot decide the efficiency of sort ? Sort the given values using quick sort
, present all steps :



Write algorithm for quick sort ? How
the choice of pivot decide the
efficiency of sort ? Trace your algorithm on the following data to sort the list :           2,13,4,21,7,56,51,85,59,1,9,10.


Use quick sort algorithm to sort
15,22,30,10,15,64,1,3,9,2. Is it a stable
sorting algorithm ? Justify.

Q17: Describe
two way merge sort method. Explain complexities of merge sort methods?

Q18: Write an
algorithm for merge sorting. Using the algorithm sort in ascending order : 10,25,16,5,35,48,8

Q19: How do you
calculate the complexity of sorting algorithm ? Also, write a recursive function in C to implement the merge     sort on given set of integers?

Q20: Write a
short note on heap sort?


          Explain heap sort?

Q21: Write a
short note on radix sort?


          Explain radix sort?

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