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What are the Various types of operating system

 Types of operating system

Table of Content

  1. Type of Operating System
  2. Batch Operating System
  3. Advantage and disadvantage of Batch Operating System
  4. Multiprogramming operating system
  5. Advantage and disadvantage of Multiprogramming operating system
  6. Multitasking operating system/time sharing operating system
  7. Advantage and disadvantage of Multitasking operating system/time sharing operating system
  8. Multiprocessor operating system
  9. Advantage and disadvantage of Multiprocessor operating system
  10. Real time operating system

Following are the popularly known types
of operating system:

1.Batch Operating system:

It is one of the type of operating system.
In this operating system the user does not interact with operating system. In
batch operating system an operator is used to create batches of similar types
of jobs which are then executed one by one. The task of starting Similar Job
together is done by that operator. As in this single process is executed at a
time it reduce the CPU utilization.

Example: IBM-OS/2

of Operating system

  • The overall
    time taken by the system to execute all the processes will be reduced.
  • It
    is easy large work repeatedly in batch operating system.
  • Processor
    of batch operating systems knows about the time duration of the jobs even when
    they in queue.
  • Batch
    Operating system can be shared by multiple users.

of Batch Operating System:

  • It
    is hard to debug batch system.
  • It
    is sometimes expensive.
  • ​If
    any job fails, then other jobs have to wait for unknown time
  • ​Less
    CPU utilization as the time taken in loading and unloading the batches is high.

2. Multiprogramming
operating system

In multiprogramming operating system two
or more programs share CPU turn-by-turn when multi programmed located in memory
only one process is capable to be executed at a time while other wait for their
turn as soon as the CPU became idle other process start processing.

Example: Windows 

of multiprogramming operating system

  • ​High
    and efficient use of CPU
  • ​Increase
    in throughput
  • Response
    time became shorter
  • ​This
    system work fast
  • ​It
    improves turnaround time for short job.

of multiprogramming operating system: –

  • It requires
    scheduling algorithm.
  • Memory
    management is required to manage multiple jobs in memory.


3. Multitasking operating
system/time sharing operating system

In multitasking operating system
multiple task/ programs are executed at a same time on a computer system. Time sharing
operating system is extension of multi programming operating system. In this
multiple processes are executed at a time by switching the process on the basis
of time quantum.

This switching is so fast that the user
things all the processes are executed simultaneously.

Example: Microsoft Windows 2000, IBM’s OS/390, and Linux

of multitasking operating system

  • In
    decrease response time of any process
  • Increases
    the efficiency of CPU.
  • Multiple
    process can hav
    e executed at a time.
  • It
    is easy to use and user-friendly.

of multi-tasking operating system

  • It
    rises reliability problem.
  • Provides
    less security and integrity of data and programs.
  • It
    requires much resources.
  • A
    lot of processes running at a time can hang up the system.


4. Multiprocessor operating

Multiprocessor operating system uses
multiple processor within one computer system. These processes are connected to
memory buses and input output devices. multiprocessor operating system is used
when the user wants and extremely high processing speed. multiprocessor
operating system is designed to operate multiple programs simultaneously
results in providing faster execution. It is also designed to operate task
which are multithreaded.  These threads
are assigned to different processor and are executed independently which reduce
execution time.

of multiprocessor operating system

  • Decreases
    overall processing.
  • Increase
    throughput of the system, i.e. number of processes executed at a time increases.
  • Multiprocessor
    system are cheaper than using multiple system.
  • Increase
    performance of system.

of multiprocessor operating system

  • Even
    multiprocessor systems are cheaper than multiple system but it is much
    expensive in comparison to a simple single processor system
  • Since
    there are multiple processor sharing peripheral devices and memory unit. So it
    is much more complicated to schedule processes / tasks.
  • Large
    memory space is required as there are multiple processing unit sharing memory

5. Real time operating

Real time operating systems is an
operating system designed to run real time application in which processing data
doesn’t prefer delay. The required processing must be done within defined time
period otherwise system will fail.

of real time operating system

1. Hard real time operating system:

In hard real time operating system the
time bound to execute a particular task is strictly bounded. It is necessary
for the system to respond at the particular time which is specified.

For example: – medical consequences,
rocket launching, aircraft system, etc.

2. Soft real time operating system:

In soft real time operating system time
bound to execute a particular program is not strictly bounded but if it is not
done within the required and the result degrade themselves. It has a deadline
to complete the task but a short delay is accepted.

For example, online transaction,
quotation system, computer gaming, etc.

of real time operating system

  • Less
    delay time.
  • Takes
    less time in context switching.
  • It
    is more efficient as critical task are processed on time.
  • These
    systems are 24 / 7 available.

of real time operating system

  • This
    system is not multitasking as it focuses on a particular process for its
    execution within the given time.
  • It
    requires complex algorithms.
  • Processes
    with low priority needs to wait for an unknown time.
  • Requires
    heavy system.
  • Request
    specific devices drivers and interrupt signals to response fast to interrupts.

FAQ1 What are the various type of Operating system 

FAQ2 What is the difference between Multi Programming and Multi Processing 

FAQ3 Explain Hard and Soft Real time Operating System in Detail with suitable example



Er. Vanshika Chawla

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