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Unit 3 Long Answer Question of PPS | Most Important Question of PPS with Answer

 Unit 2 Long Answer Question of PPS | Most Important Question of PPS with Answer
Q1 Differentiate between nested-if and switch statements in C with example?

Q2 Write a program to print all prime number from 1 to 300?

Q3 Define Fibonacci numbers? Write a program in C language to generate first 10 Odd Fibonacci number?

Q4 Write a C program to check whether a given square matrix is symmetric or not?

Q5 Write a program to print the following pattern?

Q6 Write a program to check whether a given number is Armstrong or not like 153

Q7 Write a program to check the number is palindrome or not? The program should accept any arbitrary number typed by user?

Q8 What is the difference between break and continue statement in C? Describe the structure of Switch-CASE with neat example?

Q9 Write about the formatted and unformatted input/output function in C?

Q10 Explain parameter and its types? How can we pass parameter to function?

Q11 Explain the difference between parameter passing mechanism call by value and call by reference? Which is more efficient and why?

Q12 Differentiate between 
1. Actual and formal argument
2. Global and extern variable?

Q13 What are the different types of function? Write a program in C to sort list of name as of students in an ascending order?

Q14 What is recursion? Illustrate the use of recursive function with an  example in C language?

Q15 What are the principle of recursion? Explain in details?

Q16 Define recursive function? Write a program in C to generate Fibonacci series (0,1,1,2,3,5,6,1,3..)

Q17 What are the types of function? Write a C program to find the factorial of given number using recursion? 

Q18 A five digit positive integer is entered through the keyboard? Write a C function to calculate sum digits of the 5-digit number?
1. without recursion 
2. Using recursion

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