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Unit 2 Concurrent Process | Long Answer Question with Answer

Unit 2 Concurrent Process  
Long Answer Question

Q1. Give the solution to reader/writer problem using semaphores?
Give the solution of reader/writers problem by using concept of semaphore? 
  AKTU 2015-16 

Q2. Write the principle of concurrency?
Explain the Principle of Concurrency? 
                                                                                 AKTU 2014-15 
Q3. Discuss producer and consumer problem in detail?
State and describe the producer consumer problem with its suitable solution?    
 AKTU 2013-14 
Q4. State the readers/writers problem with readers having priority. Give solution of the problem using semaphore? 
 AKTU 2012-13  
Q5. Define semaphore? Give a scheme for implementation of  semaphore primitives?                                                AKTU 2012-13 
Explain Semaphore with suitable Example?
 AKTU 2013-14 
Q6. write a short note on inter process communication?
Define message passing and shared memory inter process communication?
 AKTU 2011-12, AKTU 2013-14 
Q7. Differentiate between the following 
  • Process and Program 
  • Busy Wait and Blocking Wait 
 AKTU 2012-13 
Q8. Describe Peterson solution?
Write and Explain Peterson solution to the critical section problem?
 AKTU 2012-13 
Q9. Discuss message passing systems? Explain how message passing can be used to solve buffer producer consumer problem with infinite buffer?                                                                       AKTU 2012-13 
Q10. What is mutual exclusion? What are the various condition for synchronization?
Q11. Explain the term process?
 What do you mean by process model or process?
AKTU 2011-12  
Q12.State the finite buffer producer consumer problem? Give solution of the problem using semaphores?
  AKTU 2011-12 
Q13.What do you understand by critical section? Discuss Bakery Algorithm Also, show how its satisfies the requirement of a mechanism to control access to critical section?
 AKTU 2014-15  

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