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Interview Tips

Interview Tips

Job Interview
is just like a gate pass for every job seeker and there are a lot of questions
regarding this. Job Interview is the most important and primary thing. It
requires a lot of preparation because you don’t get a second chance to make a
great first impression. Here is a blog which provides some guidance to improve
your interview skills:

Verbal and non-verbal communication

The verbal and non-verbal
communication is a means to demonstrate confidence. It can lead to 50% more
chance for getting that job. For verbal and nonverbal communication, you should
follow these instructions strictly:
  • Make eye contact while answering
  • Feel confident
  • Do mirror practice
  • Read newspaper
  • Watch English movies with English subtitle
  • Stand straight
  • Make a firm handshake
  • Walk properly
  • Never sit without permission 
  • Carry file folder properly and gently

Dressing Sense

Dressing sense plays a
very important role in an interview. It also increases your confidence level.
You must be well-groomed before going to any interview. Try to find dress that
match with company dress code before going for interview.
  • Have a professional, simple and nice hair cut
  • Never wear colourful socks only for girl just
    kidding also applicable for boys
  • Wear formal dress with decent appearance 
  • Black leather shoes must be well-polished
  • Clean Shaven only for boys
  • For girls hairs should pe properly managed, try to
    handle them carefully don’t leave them open

Listen carefully

It is the golden rule for every
interview you should listen to every word of the interviewer very carefully. If
you are not listening properly, there is chance of losing opportunity because
sometimes there is a hint for answer in the question itself. So, you should
improve your listening ability. For this try to listen fast music it is
  • Don’t speak unnecessarily and too much
  • Speaking unnecessarily is
    not a good practice because it can lead to so many questions. Only answer when
    you know the answer and answer must be up to the point.
  • Speak less but up to the point.
  • Don’t make use of filler it indicates lack of
  • Speak small and appropriate sentences.
  • Make use of term that is known to you.
  • Keep sentence simple and crisp.
  • Don’t make use of ambiguous statement. 
  • Never lie.
  • Don’t create false family atmosphere 

Questions that can be asked by candidates after interview

Here is a list of
interview questions which can be asked from the candidate when interviewer is
ready to hire you or gives you a chance to ask some questions at the end of the
  • Que: Can you please describe the
    responsibilities of the position?
  • Que: What is the best part of working for this
  • Que: What are the biggest challenges of this
  • Que: Is there any possibility for relocation?
  • Que: How much travel is expected?
  • Que: What are the prospects for the growth?
  • Que: Is this a new position?
  • Que: Can you please describe the company’s
    management style?
  • Que: When can I expect to hear from you?
  • Que: If I want to extend the job offer, how
    soon would you like me to start?
Note: Although these are
the questions you can ask to interviewer but you should ask these questions according
to the person, situation, and the job profile. Remember that this is not compulsory
to ask questions. If you are fresher then it is better to escape these questions.
Questions that should not to be asked by student

Following is a list of questions
that you should avoid asking, because they would not present you in a positive
  • Que: Did I get this job?
  • Que: What is area in which company works?
  • Que: Is there is any option to change my schedule
    if I get this job?
  • Que: How many vacations are given by the

Means question which leads to negative impacts.

Don’t convey(show) like you are dying for this job
Never show an attitude,
that you need that job in any condition. You should not look desperate and less
confident. It is always beneficial to look calm, cool, and confident within the
whole session of interview.

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