Unit 3 Most Frequently asked Question with answer | Most important question of PPS
Q1 Define Fibonacci numbers? Write a program in C language to generate first 10 Odd Fibonacci number?
Write a program in C language to generate the Fibonacci series?
Q2 Explain parameter and its types. How can we pass parameter to function?
What do you mean by parameter passing mechanism?
Describe call by value and call by reference with example?
Explain call by value and call by reference mechanism for function call using proper example
What do you mean by parameter passing? Discuss various type of parameter passing mechanism in c with example?
Q3 Differentiate between
1. Actual and formal argument
2. Global and extern variable?
Q4 Explain the difference between parameter passing mechanism call by value and call by reference? Which is more efficient and why?
Q5 What are the different types of function? Write a program in C to sort list of name as of students in an ascending order?
Q6 What is recursion? Illustrate the use of recursive function with an example in C language?
Q7 Define recursive function? Write a program in C to generate Fibonacci series (0,1,1,2,3,5,6,1,3..)