Today we are going to discuss some important question from c which can be asked in yours interview. This portion may be easy for some one and hard for some one.
Q 1. Who Designed C language?
Answer: Sir Dennis
Q 2. Explain for Loop Syntax.
For (initialization; condition; increment/
//Set of instruction
Q 3. What is static variable?
Static variable are the variable which are common to all. static local
variables retain its value between the function call and the default value is
0. The output of following function is 1 2 3 if it is called three time.
Static variable are the variable which are common to all. static local
variables retain its value between the function call and the default value is
0. The output of following function is 1 2 3 if it is called three time.
f () {
f () {
static int i;
Printf (“%d ,“i”);
Q 4. What is Pointer on Pointer?
Answer. It is a pointer variable
which hold the address of another pointer variable.
which hold the address of another pointer variable.
int a = 8, *b=&a, **q=&b;
int a = 8, *b=&a, **q=&b;
Q 5. What is Null Pointer?
A Pointer pointing to nothing is called Null
Pointer ex: char *p = NULL;
A Pointer pointing to nothing is called Null
Pointer ex: char *p = NULL;
Q 6. Define an Array?
Answer: Array is collection
of similar type of data items identified by common name.
of similar type of data items identified by common name.
Q 7. What is recursion?
Answer: Function calling itself is called as
Q 8. Can we able to compiled a program without main ()
Yes, Program will be compiled but cannot be execute, as the execution requires main
() function definition.
Yes, Program will be compiled but cannot be execute, as the execution requires main
() function definition.
Q 9. What is a Variable?
A variable is the name provided to storage.
A variable is the name provided to storage.
Q 10: What is the difference between actual and formal
The parameters sent to the function at calling end are called as actual
parameters while at the receiving at the function called as formal
The parameters sent to the function at calling end are called as actual
parameters while at the receiving at the function called as formal
Q 11. Difference Between Malloc () and Calloc () memory
Answer. Both allocates memory
from heap area/dynamic memory. By default, Calloc () initialize the allocated memory location by 0’s.
from heap area/dynamic memory. By default, Calloc () initialize the allocated memory location by 0’s.
please put yours question and suggestion in comment box.